Intro to Real Estate Option Strategies
Options will open up a whole new world of money making opportunities to you! Learn how to maximize profits while minimizing risks! Get ready for some amazing training. No one knows more about the use of Options than the Legendary Jack Miller.Format: Audio Seminar - 12h 57mPosted: November 14th, 2018 -
Advanced Real Estate Option Strategies
Learn creative ways to make money with real estate WITHOUT buying houses.Format: Audio Seminar - 14h 28mPosted: November 14th, 2018 -
Millionaire Maker
The Millionaire Makers seminar was just 1 month after 9/11. There were more than 800 attendees in Las Vegas. Proof that terrorist, nor anyone else, will stop real estate entrepreneurs from getting the knowledge they need to achieve their dream of financial freedom. Jack Miller wrote a biography about the main speakers at the event, Jack Miller, Peter Fortunato, and John Schaub. These three men taught themselves creative real estate strategies in the 70's, 80's, 90's and beyond. Their foundation in creative real estate is the basis for most training by others today. But it all started with Jack, Peter, and John. When you want to learn it RIGHT, it's always better to go straight to the source. These guys ARE the source.Format: Audio Seminar - 5h 20mPosted: December 9th, 2016 -
Jack Miller Long Lost Audio
I found this long lost audio of Jack Miller talking about title law and other interesting topics. This was recorded in 2007 when Jack and I, along with about 20 other investors, took a 21 day cruise around the horn of South America.Format: Coaching Call - 58mPosted: December 2nd, 2014 -
Options! Control Without Ownership
Interview with Jack Miller about the use of Options. Jack Miller, like many CashFlowDepot members, makes more money with Options than any other strategy. You really need to learn all you can about how to use Options.Format: Coaching Call - 1hPosted: December 3rd, 2013 -
Q & A with Jack MIller – Appreciation
Jack Miller discusses how you can determine what appreciation will be. Real estate markets and the economy changes so you will never be able to accurately guarantee what future appreciate will be. Just because a property has seen steady appreciation in the past, there is no guarantee that you will see appreciation in the future.Format: Coaching Call - 4mPosted: October 29th, 2013 -
Q & A with Jack MIller – Investing While Getting Social Security
How can you collect Social Security at age 62 but continue to invest in real estate without exceeding the income limits for Social Security?Format: Coaching Call - 3mPosted: October 29th, 2013 -
Q & A with Jack MIller – Make Transition to Full Time REI
Jack Miller offers advice for making the transition from full time work to Full Time Real Estate Investing.Format: Coaching Call - 14mPosted: October 29th, 2013 -
Q & A with Jack MIller – IRA Investing
Jack Miller answers a question about IRA Investing. You need to understand the rules about IRA investing.Format: Coaching Call - 8mPosted: October 29th, 2013 -
Q & A with Jack MIller – Problem Properties
The question was, "How can I give a lot of problem properties back to the lenders and stay out of trouble?" Listen to Jack's advice..Format: Coaching Call - 16mPosted: October 29th, 2013