How to Adapt and Profit in a Changing Real Estate Market
Jackie Lange and Bill Cook discuss how to adapt to, and profit from, a changing real estate market.Format: Coaching Call - 1h 7m -
Intro to Real Estate Option Strategies
Options will open up a whole new world of money making opportunities to you! Learn how to maximize profits while minimizing risks! Get ready for some amazing training. No one knows more about the use of Options than the Legendary Jack Miller.Format: Audio Seminar - 12h 57m -
Advanced Real Estate Option Strategies
Learn creative ways to make money with real estate WITHOUT buying houses.Format: Audio Seminar - 14h 28m -
Using Options to Make Big Profits
Options are the ideal way to maximize profits and minimize risks. Jackie Lange and Jack Shea discuss real estate options and how they are the most risk-free yet profitable real estate investing technique you can use.Format: Coaching Call - 1h 23m -
Options: What, How, and Why
Listen to the replay of the Coaching Call on April 27th to learn about the ultimate low-risk and low-down real estate technique -- an Option!Format: Coaching Call - 1h -
Highest Bidder Sale Overview
Jackie Lange discusses the many benefits of using a option to control a property then doing a Highest Bidder Sale to sell houses quickly.Format: Coaching Call - 1h 7m -
Using Options in Creative Ways
Dan Butler discusses how you can use Options to buy and sell properties. Dan uses options extensively when selling to avoid the foreclosure process.Format: Coaching Call - 1h 12m -
Highest Bidder Sale Success
A Highest Bidder Sale is a great way to make $10,000 or more per month without buying houses or rehabbing houses.Format: Coaching Call - 1h 7m -
Highest Bidder Sale Q & A
Jackie Lange answers questions about getting options and doing a Highest Bidder Sale. She also discusses the best way to present this strategy to sellers.Format: Coaching Call - 57m -
Understanding Options
Jackie gives a brief overview about Options.. What they are, how to get them, how they can be used, and more. Options are a purchase contract with a contingency clause. An Option can be used to control real estate short or long term.Format: Coaching Call - 55m