Basic Info

TK moved to Houston in 2003 in order to join the family real estate investment business, Real Wealth Inc. (RWI). At that time, RWI was totally focused on the rehab segment of the Houston real estate market and he wanted to broaden their business objectives to include other segments of the market such as probate, wholesale, foreclosure, short sale, and loan modification. Initially, TK’s primary role within RWI was to develop and refine the marketing processes in order to acquire and service leads. Since then, TK has broadened his knowledge and execution skills in the areas of marketing, funding, buying and selling. This has created our company The Aida Group.

Real estate experience

Started in 2003
HBS Specialist
Run The Aida Group Marketing
6 Years as a Board of Director of RICH
Website marketing and advertising Pro

Real estate goals

Do over 100 deals a year.

Started Investing

21 years, 6 months ago

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