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  • timmym22

    how did this fare for you? were you able to close the deal


    speedy recovery to you.

    all the best


    Thanks Jackie for the quick response

    this method of closing option deals, what do you say to your escrow or title company so that they understand and permit it?

    i mean, you submit your option contract, purchase and sales contract between seller and buyer to title company, does the title company just know that you are getting paid to clear title or do you have to explain how you are getting paid?

    can this fee to clear title work on financed buyers or only cash buyers?

    this is where the rubber meets the road, folks….. gives you the ability to control any real estate with little money down, and when you find your end buyer, use his/her funds to close the deal, you just pick up the spread….


    are you saying that you close your highest bid sales by using your end buyers cash or funds to close the deal, so that you do not have to bring any financing to the closing?

    Hi Jackie

    you say that you do not do a 5 day sale like Bill Effros. in what ways is your process different from what Mr. Effors outlined in his book?

    can you go into more detail as to how you use the trust method to get paid at closing when using the highest bidder sale?

    when you get paid as fee to clear title, do you send your option agreement into title along with the end buyer’s P&S agreement?


    Congrats Jackie

    wow! 250 people is alot of traffic given this market. goes to show that there is demand for affordable homes was this an option deal you got?

    what marketing did you do to get that amount of traffic?

    Jim, thanks for your input

    how do you see this format far compared to the traditional one weekend showings? do more people come, more and better offers made?

    how are you marketing your events?

    thanks Jackie

    so for instance we want to put an option on a home that is worth 100k, for 65k but seller will not entertain any offers less than 75k. you say that you will do that provided that the seller pay for the marketing of the HBS.

    I you know that the house is worth 100k and you think you can sell the house for 85k for a quick sale, and you want to make 10k, for purely negotiation strategy, could you not offer the seller initially 70k but when the seller counters, throw in the concession that you will pay his asking price provided he pays for the marketing? the seller gets his price, you are still buying below market and seller is paying for market, so you have no real risk if the home does not sell….:)

    Like all of our real estate investing family i am very sad to hear of Jack’s passing. Though i have only been attending his seminars for the past 3 years, Jack always made you feel part of the family. Truly he was one of the most creative minds i have yet encountered in real estate. and a gentleman at that who sincerely cared about the progress of his many students.

    What i loved about Jack was his willingness to be open and accessible to his students. In a word, he was GENUINE, which is such a rare character trait in todays world.

    Thank you so much Jack for providing par excellence real estate education for such an affordable price.

    Jack, know that you left this world making a huge difference in countless people’s lives. There is no greater task than being of service…

    You will be missed my friend

    Hi kurt

    nice to see you on the forum. Kurt is The Master of doing Master Leases and has been very helpful in answering many of my questions pertaining to Master Leases. Very knowledgeable and full of integrity.



    thanks Jackie

    is it possible to obtain the paperwork you use when doing a magic bus tour.

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