Update on Eric Heidemans’s Highest Bidder Sale

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  • Anonymous

    I just got an email from Eric. His Highest Bidder Sale in Pasadena went well on the first open house day. They had about 150 people come though today and got 20 bidders. The bids are already up about $200,000 over the minimum bid.

    Tomorrow he should have about the same traffic and number of bidders.

    On Sunday night I’ll be doing the Round Robin from my lake house in Texas.

    I’ll have another update on Monday.


    We had bout 250 people came through the house in 2 days.

    had 42 bidders. It took two days of calling and 15 rounds to get to the highest bidder.

    The house sold for $859,000

    The highest comps I could find were
    in the $780,000 – $840,000 range so
    this one sold for a little OVER market.

    buyer had 50% to put down and good credit
    so financing should be easy.

    This was truly a collaborative effort.

    JB Banning made the fliers and donated his HBS signs

    Eric came in a week early to make sure the house was in
    tip top shape and was there for open house on Saturday

    Eric’s niece, anastasia, was at the open house both days,
    She listened to the conference call with Chris and Latron to
    hear about their success and that gave her courage.

    20 CashFlowDepot members came to help with
    signs and greeting guests both days

    And I did the round robin.

    Working together we got ‘er DONE!!!!

    Congrats Jackie

    wow! 250 people is alot of traffic given this market. goes to show that there is demand for affordable homes was this an option deal you got?

    what marketing did you do to get that amount of traffic?

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