Merri’s and my secret investing weapon has been a personal anchor of value. See how that anchor helped me buy this manor house in the Cotswold. This huge, old manor house, built over a century, beginning in the 1700s… had wonderful views and our next-door neighbor was Princess Anne at Gatcomb Park. Buying it was […]
The Three Worst Economic Scenarios
Here are three economic risks. #1: A crashing stock market. #2: Ultra low interest rates. #3: High inflation. These three economic events can rob the purchasing power of your wealth. Now we may have all three conditions… at once! The ultra low interest has been with us for some time. We can see this in […]
REPLAY: Impact of COVID-19 Conference Call
On Tuesday, March 24th we were joined by legendary investors David Tilney and Bill Cook to discuss the potential impact of the Covid-19 virus on real estate markets. Long time investor Leon Johnson also joined the call to add his words of wisdom – despite that he just had open heart surgery last Friday. During […]
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Coaching Call Replay: How to Retire Early or Take Mini-Retirements
I invited Chad Carson ( to join me for a Coaching Call to discuss how, at age 37, he and his family could take 18 months off to live in Ecuador. Since moving to Panama, I have met many people who retired in their 30s and 40s or who are taking extended vacations for a […]
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State of the Union
Every year at CashFlowDepot, we invite experienced investors to share their thoughts about the State of the Union (real estate markets) for the coming year. Our 2018 State of the Union Coaching features Dyches Boddiford, Peter Fortunato, David Tilney and Simone Stephens. During this call, you’ll learn what each speaker thinks about: * Where the […]
5 Ways to Make $12,800 Per Month with Real Estate
There are two reasons we teach so many different creative real estate techniques and money-making strategies at CashFlowDepot: (1) One technique may appeal to you more than other techniques. When you’re just getting started, you will usually gravitate towards the techniques which require the least amount of cash and no bank financing. As you learn […]
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Where Are You Going? When and How?
It’s time to start planning on ways to cope with the challenges of tomorrow. Start with your own goals. Set a time frame and financial framework within which you intend to implement action to achieve them. Understand the rules. Learn what to do and what not to do. Like the cop said to the man […]
Setting Personal Goals And Objectives
Learn how you can speed up your success process with these fortune building concepts of setting goals and objectives.
Buy And Hold Vs. Buy And Sell Techniques
In today's world, when you retire a Social Security or pension check may not be there when you need it the most. Even if it is, it may not be enough to live a comfortable retirement. So, now is the time, to start accumulating cash flow rental properties which will provide you with a much more secure retirement and/or an early retirement.
The Road To Financial Freedom
A real estate investing career rarely starts and stops at the same place. It does not follow a straight line. There will be twists and turns all along the way. Markets will change. Your needs will change too. Your financial situations will change. The more you learn and the more confidence you get, the more your real estate investing business will evolve down the path to financial freedom. Below you will see how my real estate business moved along the road to financial freedom. You’ll see how one thing leads to another that leads to another.