In 2007 I purchased a house in Dallas subject-to the mortgage for $69,000. It was worth $100,000 and rented for $960. The underlying loan payment was $586 PITI. My cash flow was about $300 a month. By 2012, it was worth $125,000 and rented for $1200 with a loan payment of $620. I used proceeds […]
Cash flow can provide financial security and financial freedom. Cash flow can support you if you lose your job or just want to take an extended vacation. When you get enough cash flow coming in every month, you can quit your job! Monthly cash flow from rental properties can increase your retirement income so you […]
Master leasing has helped many CashFlowDepot members go from $0 cash flow to $10,000 or more in cash flow quickly. With Master Leasing, you don’t need to save up for a down payment or buy houses and you don’t need to qualify for a loan. Instead, you simply lease a house from an owner with […]
In the event of another economic collapse, your ultimate survival is going to depend upon the preparations you have made in acquiring property and marketable skills for yourself and for your family. Learn how real estate can help you ride the storm that is coming...
Learn how to determine the perfect rent to charge so you attract the best tenants in any market. The mark of the true amateur landlord is a monthly rent that has been set by rule of thumb! How often have you heard that rents should be 1% of the value of the house? Yet how rarely do they fall into that range? How many times have you talked to someone with a chronic vacancy problem who has set his rents by rule of thumb, or worse yet, by HIS monthly mortgage payment amount? There's a better way...
There's little difference in finding Lease and/or Option opportunities and in finding properties to buy. I prefer to 'cold canvass' neighborhoods on foot and through flyers delivered door to door. Most other people mine the newspaper advertisements for hidden gold, court house records and 'bird dogs' that turn up motivated Sellers. All these sources work with Leases and Options if the Buyer/Lessee/Optionee takes the time to delve into the motivation of the other party. But there are clues all along in the process.
Many people don’t want to be a landlord because they’ve heard all the horror stories from landlords who had the “tenant from hell”. These are tenants who call all the time and at all hours of the day and night and/or tenants who cause extensive damage to your property and tenants who don’t pay on time so you are constantly chasing rent checks. I had a tenant from hell.. here's what I did.
Finding I.D.E.A.L. properties is a numbers game. Many people step up to the plate expecting to hit a home run in the investment game their first time at bat. They quickly become discouraged and either settle for marginal properties which give them little joy and/or profit at the cost of much time, expense and pain; or they just quit and try something else. PATIENCE is your most valuable personal attribute if you can cultivate it. Acquiring the right properties should be a long term objective toward which the erstwhile fledgling capitalist steadily plods on his quest.
If you don't like carpentry work, and can't afford to hire someone, what do you do when you need to overhaul a house. Here's one thing you might try:
Once upon a time I bought a real fixer-upper. Oh the property was O.K. - good school district, low crime neighborhood, rising incomes, lots of public facilities, near jobs and main thoroughfares, shopping and conveniences, public transportation. But the house itself - UGH! It needed wall repairs, windows, central heat and air, landscaping and shrubbery. A home-made garage had to be ripped out and the carport re-built. The plumbing was all rotted out and new lines had to be run. It was a mess.
You can earn money working from home when you learn how to master lease real estate. Master Leasing is a way to earn money every month from real estate that you don't even own. Usually a Master Lease requires no money down.