Upgrade Your Rentals To Succeed In Management Today

Topics: Landlording

For those who aren't comfortable being wheeler-dealers and who prefer the quiet life of the landlord, a huge market is materializing today that we haven't seen for almost 50 years. It is comprised of decent people who have lost their homes to foreclosure and who need to either rent or buy a replacement home. In my experience, prior homeowners stand head and shoulders over prior renters when it comes to being responsible property stewards who will take care of minor problems and pay rent on time.

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Qualifying the Prospect As To Need & Financial Capacity

Topics: Investor Success, Landlording

Just because a person can afford a house doesn’t mean that they want to buy one; and just because a person wants to buy a house doesn’t mean that he or she can afford one. It’s up to the seller or salesperson to ascertain the financial capacity and degree of motivation of a prospective buyer before spending any time trying to meet their needs.

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