Highest bid sale

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  • Jackie

    typically a highest bid sale is done over one weekend, sat-sun. have you ever given any consideration of doing two (2) consecutive weekends back to back.

    what are your thoughts about doing that format in this market…lessens chance of getting hit by inclement weather or some unknown sporting event…

    if you have done this format, what has been your experience doing that way


    I think it is a HUGE mistake to drag it on for two weekends. It completely spoils the objective of CREATING a sense of URGENCY!!
    YOu want buyers to know that THIS weekend is their one and only chance to buy the house.

    I know a few people who did and and they did not selll the house.

    That’s how we’ve done it.
    First weekend is for initial “showing”, a 3-hour block on Sat and Sunday.
    Final showing the second weekend, with highest and best bids due Sunday @ 4:00.
    Then negotiating the 3 best bids against eachother over the following few days.

    Jim, thanks for your input

    how do you see this format far compared to the traditional one weekend showings? do more people come, more and better offers made?

    how are you marketing your events?

    We are one of those “people” that had highest bidder sale on two different houses in the same neighborhood… Our mistake was to have “showings” or “Open houses” on one weekend, then the “Sale” the following. We had ad’s in the paper, signs up EVERYWHERE, and not one person showed up… Oh, except one fellow that came as we were closing up that wanted to know if it sold and for how much ! I think he was a builder looking to unload some of his own properties.

    I would do it all in one weekend; showings on Saturday; Showings and Sale on Sunday.


    To get the maximum number of people at the house and max bidders, you need a really REALLY low starting bid price.

    If it’s too high, you will have NO TRAFFIC — sounds like that’s what happened.

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