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  • Welcome to the group.

    Where doesvKevin do business¿?

    Ugh. I started looking at owner occupied homes and this looks like it could be time consuming and an overall ugly process!


    Welcome Gary! I’m a new member too.
    There is a lot of information on this site and many people to help you out.

    Question – It seems like David Tilney is doing the property management directly. My perspective was that it was much more cost effective to hire a property management company to do the rental process for a small percentage of the ROI.


    I heard a lot on buy and hold and landlord positions but being a new investor I’m more interested with getting started and the one item I did hear on the call was the highest bidder sale. I’ll need to look more into this to see what I can do or rather how I can do that type of deal.

    Question – I know of a tax in NJ called an exit tax and I’m interested to know if anyone has done deals in NJ and how if at all this exit tax may play a roll in the purchase and sale of a property in NJ?

    I’m sorry I missed the Tuesday night call – I’m reviewing it today and I agree that this would be really great to have again Mid Year to see how things change and what tips these guys have at that point once the first 100 days are over and we have some way to track how things are going and which ones we can leverage or not.

    Also It might be good to list any questions or items of concern that anyone may have that on this topic so that we can present those questions to this group of people during the next call.

    Jackie – I didn’t have the opportunity to join this call but I have a few suggestions to help make this call a little more interactive if you are interested – let me know.


    Jackie – Why do you always make it sound so easy! LOL If it was easy everyone would be doing it. I recently came across a possible rehab project in Manville and when I started taking a closer look I am finding liens on the property and this gets me frustrating because I spent my valuable time investigating and focusing on that property and I hate wasting time.

    I also recently found a way to get leads handed to me for pre-foreclosures for a few hundred dollars a year. It’s through I don’t know if they have a presence in your location but for me they were able to give me stats on how much traffic the site sees for a specific zip code and how many potential leads per month based on the statistics of traffic to potential leads generated. Might want to check them out.

    Aside from finding leads for a potential project for myself I am still at odds with finding and building a buyers list so that I know which zip codes / areas to focus in. I have on my “to-do list” to attend more auctions and trying to find and build that list.

    Welcome David!

    Welcome Felicia – I am new to the community as well! I believe I just posted my introduction in the wrong forum but did not see the new member introduction as an option so I am off to a grand start!! LOL

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