5 Ways to Make $12,800 Per Month with Real Estate

Topics: Getting Started, Investor Success
The 5 Best Ways to Make Money with Real Estate

There are two reasons we teach so many different creative real estate techniques and money-making strategies at CashFlowDepot: (1) One technique may appeal to you more than other techniques. When you’re just getting started, you will usually gravitate towards the techniques which require the least amount of cash and no bank financing. As you learn […]

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Code Violations Are Wholesaling Opportunities

Topics: Getting Started, Wholesaling
condemned property sign

Wholesaling is a great way to get started in a real estate business.  Wholesaling is also a great way to make money fast. With wholesaling, you don’t need much cash to get started, you don’t need to buy houses or get loans, you don’t need to do any repairs yet you usually get paid a […]

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