Beware Of Entering Vacant Houses

Topics: Wholesaling

True story.

I got a call from a lady who wanted to sell her Mom's house.  Mom had passed away.  The seller lived 2 hours away and she did not want to drive to Dallas to show me the property.  But she said the back door is open so I could get in that way. 

I entered through the back door which was next to the kitchen.  There was stuff all over the counter tops and the house was a mess. (ideal wholesale deal I'm thinking)  When I went back to inspect the bedrooms, I was shocked to find a NAKED MAN in bed… alive.

I screamed.  He screamed.  I ran out of the house.

Later I found out it was the seller's brother who had escaped from prison.

I did not buy this one. What the seller did not tell me was that she had a brother and sister who also inherited the property.  Her sister was in prison.  The brother, even though she knew where to find him, would not sign anything or go to a closing because he was afraid it would be a set up to capture him.    We could have done a suit for quiet title, but it was just too complicated and I decided I did not want to get involved in a property with two owners who were criminals.

You win some.  You lose some. 

Be careful about entering a house if someone is not with you.

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