$100 3 Day Seminar in SEPTEMBER

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    I’ll have more details soon

    the event will be on the Pacific Ocean in Panama at


    It’s an all inclusive 5 star hotel. Includes room, all food, all beverages and live entertainment.

    This is a fabulous place and I got us a 1/2 price deal on the ocean view rooms – for about $130 per night all inclusive.

    The seminar is $100 for cashflowdepot members

    I’ll also have some extra excursions planned for before and after the seminars… more details coming soon.

    (I had to change the price from free to $100 per person because they won’t give me a free meeting room unless I’m willing to guarantee FIFTY sleeping rooms for 3 nights ( 150 rooms)

    I’m putting the finishing touches on the PRE and POST excursions for Panama

    Does anyone have an interest in doing an eco tour or going fishing before the event?

    Here are some things that are available —


    I think that’s whale season too so I can check in to a whale watching excursion.

    Does anyone have an interest in seeming more of Panama after the event? We could visit the western side where I’m moving to and see some of the towns in the mountains and see the extremely booming economy.


    If any divers are on the trip, scuba around Puertobelo used to be fantastic plus you should be able to visit the 1500s fort that Sir Francis Drake and Henry Morgan sacked on different occasions. Also, from online searches it seems there are some dive options closer to the event location such as near Pedasi.

    Sure hope I can travel to the Panama event.


    just found out if i move this to September, I can save all of you some money on the room price per night.

    I’ll get all the details as soon as I can then you can help me decide.

    I am moving the Panama seminar to September because it will save you money on the rooms. I’ll have more details – hopefully before I go to Panama March 1st

    Sounds great, keep us posted. Thx.


    I have all the details posted in the EVENTS section.

    I had to change the price to $100 per person because I have to pay for the meeting room. They won’t give me a meeting room unless ai am willing to guarantee 50 sleeping rooms for 3 night ( 150 rooms charges) —

    So let me get this right…$100 for members plus plane ticket to PTY. How much are the rooms for three nights?

    $100— member charge
    $700—- plane ticket


    Is this correct?

    Here are the details Arcinio


    Maybe no plane ticket if you’re already living there. You can take the bus for $12 or drive 4 hours from David

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