Any Defense Contractor Tenants?

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  • They may soon be without a job.

    During the Panama Tour, a guy got an email from his wife who is an engineer with Lockheed Martin. The letter said are laying off 10,000 workers by November. The letter also said 1,000,000 defense contractor workers would be laid off ( all companies) by the end of the year.

    That’s another 1,000,000 people to the unemloyment rolls. Another kick in the gut to the US economy.

    See this story

    Many companies will be affected by this. And so will many landlords.

    Hope & Change loves a good crisis and won’t allow one to go to waste.

    Welcome to my world. I have 3 degrees and no job. Clearly the middle class must be destroyed before our society can be transformed into something from 1984 or Brave New World.

    Greg — you’re about to have a LOT more competition in the job market. Better to CRANK UP your real estate business so you don’t need a job.

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