Bastile Day (July 14th) Conference Call

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  • Thanks to all who joined in tonight on our impromptu RE discussion while Jackie was traveling and unable to join.

    Enjoyed chatting with all and hearing your ideas from different parts of the country!



    Hi Hank

    THANKS for carrying the tourch.

    I was stuck at the airport in Dallas waiting for my luggage. And aaron was driving back from Reno and did not have good cell reception

    We can do a conference call on Wednesday with Aaron if anyone is game. Or I can just move him to two weeks from now.

    Let me know what you want to do


    Welcome back Jackie,

    Got good reports last night about the Options course (as expected) – wish I’d been there too.

    I’m game for tonight. However for more folks to get the word and to have a more attended CC, it is probably better to resked for 2 wks as you mentioned.


    I totally forgot about last night–that’s happened twice since we have been doing these calls. I would love to have one tonight as a makeup.

    I enjoyed attendees’s very productive discussion, especially from Hank’s discussion. He should be speaker next time. You did good job in absence of Jackie. What is your email you have offered during last conferene call. I hope it is recorded, worth to listen again.

    Rescheduling Aaron 2 weeks from now will work for me.

    Shakil (VA

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