Best and Worst Deal

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  • Anonymous

    What’s the BEST deal you ever did?

    What’s the WORST deal you ever did – or which that you did not do?

    i was searching for the entry where you asked what would you do if you had 5 grand and i came across this Question.
    My best so far was my first house. IF had been watching a basket case mfged home for a year drop its price in 20 k amounts and couldn’t figure out why .When I went to the realtors site for my weekly checkin this mfgred home was listed at 35 k i drove by and was repelled by the cat stench and promptly went down and gave a full price offer using my credid card which attracted a private lender to pay off with less interest I fixed it and lived in it for a year and sold it for 115k. I also bought the other finally and did well after rebuilding it and living in it for 2 years.
    My worst I still dont understand I bought a mf home for less than appraised value pretty’;d it up tried to sell it myself and had 3 realtors over the year try to sell it , finally rented it it was a scary year but got me into rentals and by golly I do like the check coming in. gl to all , Pat

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