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  • Anonymous

    I think I told you that the project I was working on With Ken Burge for 10 months never did get finished.

    I think Ken was just taking his partner’s money ( $35k a month)For as long as he could.

    If he contacts you to do any projects do not give him any money!

    I was stupid enough to pay him to do a few projects for me. He took off with the money and did not deliver the projects.

    He was a big talker. Chris Miller and I thought he knew what he Was talking about because he was referred by another friend who
    I’ve known and trusted for a long time. Come to find out, that’s all it was… just talk and no delivery.

    There’s a saying for people like that here in Texas…. “Big hat but no cattle”

    I’m sorry I represented him as someone who knew what he was doing. I need to retract that now.

    I took down all conference calls I had with him because I don’t want you to think he is a dependable person.


    Hey Jackie,

    It happens to the best of us ! I know this first hand, as you know. We lost everything recently, due to a ?scam artist?? and he was REALLY good at his craft. It?s not that our guy took huge money from us like Ken Burge did, but ?used us? for his lifestyle while all of his ?promises? were just two more weeks away. Deceit comes in many forms. Unfortunately (& fortunately), it has left us ?jaded?? I always wondered why Jack Miller was so ?hard? on his tenants or when he was putting in money to a deal, he made sure he controlled it. Now I know?



    I guard is up 10 feet taller than it was before and it left me with a jaded attitude. I hate it that this one person could change my whole perspective on people.


    I know what you mean… our “scoundrel? scammed about fifteen people in total from three countries (U.S. (multiple states), Canada, and Great Britain). When we all broke our word and started talking to each other, (this fellow was the ?spoke of the wheel? for all communication), it was amazing what a web of lies this fellow had woven.

    My stomach felt sick and I could feel the blood running from my head upon hearing the first big lie come to light; but then it came back the more I got pissed off until my ears were burning. We all talked for hours, comparing stories, and later we sent each other the ?confidential emails? he had been sending to each of us.

    This guy was SO good with his deceit, he told us ?THE MONEY? we had all been waiting on had been wired into a general ledger account at the bank and was just waiting for the Fed?s to clear it and release the hold to be put into his business account. He even had us sit down with the Bank Manager and Operations Supervisor to discuss ?THE MONEY? in a closed conference room at the bank.

    What we did not know is that while he had told our group that the money was already there and waiting for the release, he had told the Manager and Operations Supervisor that it was ?about to me wired in any day?. So, he ran the conversation (as he always did) and talked about ?The Money?. The conversation made sense to both parties, due to his verbal skills and the pre-conceived belief about the money; we all heard what we thought was the true story.

    So, as of today, more than a year after our financial collapse, he is still walking around a free man. However, his laptop is in the hands of a Special Agent at NASA?s Johnson Space Center in Houston; their computer forensics? department. You see, as part of his ?scam? he used the identities of two distinguished PhD Engineers at NASA?s Ames Research Center in White Sands, New Mexico, to support documentation he was using to drum up money; that is a federal offence.

    The wheels of justice turn slowly, so we?re just hoping to one day get the news that he is now living in ?The Other Gated Community? somewhere !

    PS>> He even worked the “Romantic Side” of things. He had married one gal, and after she left him six months later, he was in the process of marrying another before the divorse was even final. He had done that once before too ! This guy has no fear; he is about six-foot ten inches tall (an imposing figure) and is Sociopathically brilliant. I can only imagine if the two gals had got a-hold of him ! Geez, this could be a movie ! A “Catch Me If You Can” type thriller…


    sell the story — maybe you can make your money that way.

    real life is always more interesting than make believe.

    There’s a con man on every corner.

    My advice is don’t every rely on ONE person’s recommendation.
    get a whole SLEW of them or don’t get involved.

    If you don’t write any checks, you can’t lose any money.

    Yep, I thought I had taken off my rose-colored glasses, yet I am working with someone now who is an FBI agent, and he tells me I am naive :-)

    Of course there are good people on every corner too, so we need to not let the scoundrels keep us from connecting with each other.

    Jim Rohn said when you create a garden, the bugs will come. It’s nature.


    When con people smell money they will flock.

    Keep a low profile to avoid being a target.


    Thank you for sharing this. I always never felt right about that guy. Always seemed to care about looking good rather than being good.

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