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  • Anonymous

    Do you have a blog?

    Want to get more traffic to it?

    go to
    on the lower right corner, see the blogrush widget
    click on “add your blog posts free” link at the bottom of the widget

    It’s free!

    A blog is a great alternative to a web site. It only takes a few minutes to set one up.

    A blog is quick and easy to set up and a great way to tell buyers about properties you have for sale.

    You can also have a separate blog to attract motivated sellers.

    Every time you add something to your blog, the search engines ping it and send your information out to the world wide web.

    I can do a special conference call to help everyone set up a free blog during the call if you like.

    Any interest?


    That’s a great idea Jackie. I would like to go over setting it up in a conf. call. Count me in.




    We’ll make the Tuesday conference call about setting up a blog.

    Everyone will need to be at a computer

    I bought Camtasia so I’ll see if I can learn how to use it and create a VIDEO tutorial for setting up a blog too.


    It’d be nice if you could talk about the type of content you would include in a blog meant to attract motivated sellers.


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