Bond Markets are Crashing — Real Estate Will be Next

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  • Back in 2006, the start of the economic and housing collapse was a collapse in the bond market.

    That starting happening again this week. Deja vu! Housing will be next. I think the crash will happen in 2015.

    Many thought the central banks, with their QE ( quantative easing) could hold back another economic collapse but it has not worked.

    This time it is different, worse, because debt is so much higher with no way to pay it back.

    Here are several articles which describe what’s happening. Many predict that this housing crash will be MUCH worse than the last crash. I remember in 2006 when Jack Miller told us to sell sell sell to get liquid to take advantage of the big opportunities on the other side of the crash. Many thought the appreciation party would last forever so they did not pay attention to Jack. They lost a lot of properties and many had to file bankruptcy. I sold a LOT of real estate and got what I had left free and clear. It’s time to sell sell anything that is highly leveraged. Start doing wholesale flips or HBS to generate cash cash cash.

    Dee found this article

    Here are some others:

    I’m also concerned that US banks will do bail-ins like they did in Cyprus — take part of your money. The only way to protect yourself from this is to get part of your money offshore and out of their reach. Some banks in Panama pay 2.5% interest on savings without a CD. Investing in real estate in emerging markets, like Panama, is another smart move.

    In every housing crash there is tremendous opportunity too. But you need CASH ( or access to cash) to take advantage of it. Get liquid.

    This is a good newsletter to read too…

    I’d avoid retail sales in the USA. Interest rates will most likely go up quickly and every 1/4 of a point reduces the number of buyers who can qualify for your homes. If you have properties you are ready to retail, sell them fast!

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