Boy I screwed Up.

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  • In August I paid Marc Harty of a lot of money to do a series of press releases & to get them distributed. He was also going to write new copy for cashflowdepot. Everything was suppose to be ready in 10 days. I got a good discount for paying in advance ( big mistake)

    So far, he has delivered NOTHING!

    I trusted Marc because I’ve known him for about 8 years. He attended the internet mastermind meetings in Dallas and seemed to be one of the good guys. Boy was I wrong.

    Just goes to show you that no matter how well you think you know someone, you just can’t trust anyone these days.

    I should have paid him a small retainer to get started then paid the rest when he finished the project.

    Anyway, if you’re looking for someone to write press releases for you DO NOT use Marc Harty. he will steal your money and not deliver.

    Hi Jackie,Sorry to hear of your getting ripped off.It really sucks when you prepay people who promise the world and dont deliver.I know that you are a top notch copywriter and marketer yourself and have written many successful press releases

    I have had lots of success with press releases.My approach has been to send a release about a book that I was thinking of writing That did not yet exist to all of the editors of Business related publications . This is how the famous author Joe Karbo did it in the early seventies with a little book called “The Lazy Mans Way to Riches”

    Luckily the editor of Entreprenuer Magazine called me and asked if I was interested in writing a paid article for their publication.The end result was that My article appeared in The Washington Post,MSNBC/The today show,Yahoo Business and Yahoo Finance.I do not say this to boast in any way, but to simply prove That This strategy worked well for me.

    I recently joined Your group have helped me alot by sharing your wisdom,ideas,and strategies.

    I would be happy to help you for free in any way you might need.I do believe in the concept of reciprocity.

    If you need my help just let me know.Steve Von Loren.


    Thanks for the offer to help with the press releases. I hired a lady in the Philippines to write and distribute press releases and articles for me. She’s doing a GREAT job.

    I just wanted to warn everyone NOT to work with Marc Harty. I don’t want to see anyone else get ripped off. I honestly don’t know how that guy sleeps at night.

    Thanks again


    It’s been my experience that those who “don’t have” think it is perfectly ok to steal from those who “do have. IN their mind, it’s totally ok and even justified. Shows the sad state of the mentality the US had fallen in to.

    Thanks for the heads up. This happened to me with a partner in a deal. He screwed me on $5,000k I didn’t have to lose. This lead me to meet his uncle who is a successful investor and mentor and we partnered on a bigger and better deal. Im a spiritual person so I think its God had a hand in it but whatever you believe it usually turns out for better. You probably got a better writer for less than 90% price ( I know I use VA’s for my business). Thanks for sharing….

    Thanks for the heads up. This happened to me with a partner in a deal. He screwed me on $5,000k I didn’t have to lose. This lead me to meet his uncle who is a successful investor and mentor and we partnered on a bigger and better deal. Im a spiritual person so I think its God had a hand in it but whatever you believe it usually turns out for better. You probably got a better writer for less than 90% price ( I know I use VA’s for my business). Thanks for sharing….

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