CashFlowDepot Convention 2012

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  • In less than a month, the CashFlowDepot Convention will be in Panama at a beautiful resort on the Pacific Ocean

    I’ll be sharing my best tips and tricks for finding motivated sellers so you can get an option then do a Highest Bidder Sale.

    This will be information I have not shared before.

    You’ll walk away with a step-by step-guide and all the documents you need.

    You’ll learn how to do a highest bidder sale for the down payment and how to do a highest bidder sale for the highest price.

    But you’ll also learn how to covert these motivated sellers in to seller financing so you can keep the house and rent it out or resell with a seller finance wrap.

    PLUS.. we’ll have role playing sessions each day. You’ll learn how to conquer seller objections and how to get the option strike price as low as possible to ensure a bigger profit. I’ll also share what I do to help get the price up up UP when doing the Round Robin.

    I read that there are some great prices at Kayak and through Copa Airlines for flying to Panama City.

    I’ve already made arrangements for a team of english speaking drivers to pick you up and get you to the resort.

    Click on the EVENTS tab then the convention for more details.

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