Conference Call Situation

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  • Anonymous

    One Tuesday a month, there’s another meeting that I’d REALLY like to go to but I can’t because I have to do the conference call every Tuesday night.

    There are two solutions:

    1. change to Monday or Wednesday night

    2. Find someone else to moderate the calls one Tuesday a month

    If you had a choice, which one would you prefer?

    hi jackie

    either solution woks for me, as long as we have the confrernce call. could jack be moderator and answer questions on his monthly q&a to fill in for you ?



    Robert We will definitely still have weekly conference calls!
    I just want to find a way to be off one Tuesday a month.

    I don’t think we can get Jack to moderator the calls. Though he is glad to do the Q & A’s once a month.

    I’m sure I can find someone if we all decide to keep the calls on Tuesday.


    I have a standing conflict on Tuesday nights … so my selfish response is to “switch nights”.


    I want to get more feedback before we make the decision —


    Thanks for asking,my cut is to:
    – keep Tuesdays (and let Jackie have one night off a month)
    – Weds is ok, however Mondays seem to drag on late and have historically missed other Mon night conference calls that I’ve tried to schedule (both real estate and others too over the years)

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