Conference Call tonight, Tuesday 11-8

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  • I will be discussing Jack Miller’s book Tactics and Strategies. the call starts at 7 central

    call 1-214-775-0917
    Access code 929815

    see you there!

    That was a great call tonight Jackie.

    There is so much value in hearing Jack’s tidbits over and over again.

    I went to a real estate conference last weekend. My greatest takeaways were 1. knowing the difference between having a hobby, having a job and creating a business AND 2. the value and importance of planning – marketing, sales, maintenance, everything. This is all stuff that Jack preached.


    the reality is that we are all in the marketing business. Without leads, there are no deals and no profits.

    Jack’s Tactics and Strategies should be a must read for anyone considering going in to business for themselves..regardless of the industry.

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