Extra Benefits of the recent Deal Story

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  • got this message from CPA John Groom

    On the Wayne Carlson deal ? very good.

    You might also want to mention that by his device he also has a BASIS of $60k in those two condos, meaning he could sell them the next day for cash and have no taxes.

    I use things like this to help dealers all the time. If you sell something for $60k that has a basis of $60k, it doesn?t matter if you are a dealer or investor, whether it is short-term or long-term, whether there would be self-employment tax issues or not, etc.

    The real profit, based on the difference between the intrinsic ?soft? basis of the purchase (the well-crafted note/mtg), and the ?hard? selling price (cash) does not show up on a tax return.

    I use variations on this theme (some of which you have used I know) for flippers to get a high (soft) basis on a piece of property when it is purchased so it can get rid of most or all of the dealer profit, self-employment taxes, etc.

    As an aside, there were some people in the UK that understood this so well and used it so effectively that it is no longer legal there.

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