Fiscal irresponsibility by broker

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  • Howdy, I won an auction on a HUD house in Las Vegas. My broker never sent in the earnest money saying she was waiting for them to send here a notice but she had never read the contract until weeks or a month plus later to see the money needed to be sent to Mesquite NV. Of course when she checked on it the deal was canceled. For months she said all was good I won it was even listed on the HUD site that I had the property ,until they relisted it last week of course.
    I asked her to reimburse me for some of my out of pocket money as this was all her fault. Of course she said she didn’t need to do that.
    What is my recourse for such a blatant disregard for fiscal responsibility. Is there a place besides court to address this.
    wishing cash flow to all
    Pat Flanagan

    Yes this is the one I was talking about and there are a couple more within a couple of blocks but I think I will put off moving that way for now. I can be pretty dense sometimes but maybe it is a sign.
    thanks for chatting in Reno.
    I will have to make a complaint .
    thanks ,



    Remember when we were sitting near the bar and talking with Chris Carlson?
    The guy from Southern California who was also buying houses in Utah.

    The weekend after the seminar, He went to bed and did not wake up in the morning.
    Died in his sleep at only 44 years old.

    It’s hard to believe since we were just visting with him and he seemed fine in Reno

    There’s plenty of opportunity in your own backyard — let me know if you need help finding it




    This is ridiculous. It was clearly the realtor’s fault that you lost the deal. Was this the $23,000 property? She cost you tens of thousands of dollars in profit.

    You need to contact her/his broker AND you need to file a complaint with the Real Estate Commission in Nevada.

    I filed a complaint on a realtor several years ago and they lost their license.

    PLUS – every Real Estate Commission has a special fund set up to compensate “you” for problems the realtors cause. Call them to get more details.

    Sorry you lost the deal… but maybe it is God’s way of telling you that you should not move to Las Vegas.


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