Goal for April1, 2012

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  • My goal is to create an additional $5000 per month in cash flow.

    I will achieve this through the use of Master Leases, Lease Options, seller financed notes and some good, old fashioned cost cutting.

    thanks in advance for your support in helping me achieve this goal. It’s important that I hit this target by April 1!

    Deb Krantz
    Columbus, Ohio

    You can do it Deb!

    What’s your game plan for getting more leads coming in so you can convert to “deals” ?

    You need a monthly , weekly, daily plan if you want to accomplish your objectives.
    Write it here.


    I’m working right now on my marketing plans, will update ASAP.

    Does making calls count as part of a plan? Sometimes I find that to be the most effective for me – scouring neighborhoods of interest to me and contacting the owner, often by phone but sometimes with a letter.

    I also have a website and direct mail in the plan. I’ll post the specifics with a timeline, etc.

    Thanks for holding me accountable!!

    Phone calls count but they need to be targeted and I can tell you from personal experience that is is not very effective. You’ll get a lot of people who will just hang up on you. The message you deliver will have a huge impact on your success. Don’t go straight for the I want to buy your house angle.

    In person, door knocking, is best. Followed by direct mail like postcards.

    Ideally, you’ve done some research before you call.

    The more detailed your game plan, the better the chance of success.

    What will you do THIS WEEK?


    I’ve attended 3 meetings in the last week on Goal Setting (including the call last week). This is just about all I’ve thought about all week.

    A friend of mine in Toastmasters developed a goal setting worksheet that I’m using to build my business and marketing plans.

    It’s designed for students but is very applicable to any endeavor. I can send it to you if you’d like to post in on CFD.


    that would be great. you can email or fax to 214-764-0163 and i will post in the FILE VAULT

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