the lowest price is not necessarily the best deal. And buying a $310,000 property for $260,000 is not that good of a deal. For a cash offer the price needs to be lower.
You should always make an offer to buy at a higher price with a lot/no down and monthly payments. There are a lot of tax advantages for the seller if they accept this offer too.
If they cash out of an investment property, currently they have to pay 20% capital gains tax + 2.8% obamacare tax(if sales price is over $250k) + depreciation recapture which can be significant.
If they sell with seller financing those expenses can be spread out over 30-40 years so they are hardly felt.
There’s an advantage to you too. You may want to keep the property, so you can buy it without getting a loan.
And, it makes it much easier to sell because you can offer seller financing to your buyer so you’ll get a higher price plus a nice down payment plus monthly cash flow.
Always make at least 2-3 offers. Only 1 should be a super low cash offer. The other offers should be buying with seller financing.