How Did Arcinio (Panama Preacher)Find

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  • shortly after Arcinio saw this blog posts, he contacted me….

    the rest is history.

    Once word got out that I was moving to Panama, other people had an interest in checking it out too… but they did not want to come down along. So I hired a driver and rented a bus to set up a tour for 8 people to see what I saw. That was last June. It was all CashFlowDepot/Miller students. 3 of them have also moved to Panama.

    Since then I have done 4 other Panama tours – just small groups of real estate investors to check out the investment opportunities and what it would be like living there.

    Some of those people have moved to Panama too! Some full time and some part time.

    It’s a booming economy.

    I’m doing another tour in July and one in September after the cashflowdepot convention. If you’d like to come see that Panama is all about let me know. These are small groups ( 6-8 people) so they fill up fast.

    Arcinio is moving to Panama at the end of the year too.

    Dear Jackie, How can we get more info. about going on the up coming Panama trips? Dan Brooke

    HI Dan

    you can see details at

    or call me at 972-496-6032 if I’m not in, leave a message

    I was just talking to my neighbors, a couple from Houston Texas. It’s 73 degrees here today and 98 degrees back in Texas. We love the weather.

    It’s just amazing the values of internet when used properly. Just for the record, Jackie and I are planning to work RE deals in Panama also. Many of the laws are similiar yet there are some obsticles, but nothing we can’t figure out. I plan to do RE deals in Panama to assist with income while I endeavor to build a church. And yes…I can agree that the economy in Panama is booming!

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