How will things change with Higher Gas Prices

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  • Anonymous

    $5.00 a gallon for gas? $8.00 a gallon $10.00 a gallon

    It’s coming – it’s not a matter of IF, it’s just a matter of WHEN.

    How do you think it will change your real estate business?

    If you’re a landlord ( and you should be) your houses close to public transportation in high demand.

    Do you think those high gas prices will cause more crime and violence in metro areas?

    When gas prices go up that much, that means food and everything we buy will go up too — so does that mean buyers will be able to afford less to buy a house or rent a house?

    Less income will be available for housing

    How do you think things will change in your real estate business as gas prices go up?

    I am sure our government will subsidize housing or rent or something rather than do what they should–give tax breaks to oil companies provided they build x number of refineries per year for the next 10 years and begin drilling for oil where it is plentiful. They’ve demonstrated an excellent ability to give New Orleans residents free debits cards with which they can buy fancy electronics and clothes.



    Government subsidies will be drying up – there’s no money.

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