I need a Personal Property Trust for Mobile Homes

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  • How can I get a personal property trust to buy mobile homes with? Does anyone have a form?

    I have the form but it is at my house on a hard drive. I’m out of town now. I will be back Monday evening late.

    I have one that I use for mobile homes. I am glad to share. In fact with Jackie’s ok we can put in the file vault.

    Don, email me the personal property trust for mobile homes. I can put it in the file vault tonight

    thanks for sharing!


    Don’s person property trust for mobile homes has been uploaded to the File Vault

    You can find that here:


    Wow, Thank You Guys! You just made that happen!

    Now I just need to change it to my information. I’ll be able to go through it this weekend and make sure I understand everything.


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