If you lost your job this week

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  • Jackie,
    I am looking at nicer homes right now–keepers–in keeper neighborhoods. I figured I would get used to it in areas that are less distressed and slowly work up to more challenging areas. Being in the north I don’t know if I can do this year round with 6″ of snow on the ground. And I will never venture into really bad areas. I wear a red t-shirt and carry a small notepad like Jeff Smith taught us at Jack’s Pow Wow a few years back. I remember your gun story. Glad you thought fast otherwise we wouldn’t have cashflowdepot right now!


    A yellow shirt works better — try it!

    hey Greg are you coming to the Vegas seminar?


    What would you do if you lost your job this week?

    Would you immediately go try to find another job or would you
    crank up your real estate business?

    I started door knocking this weekend. I would continue to do that for 4+ hours per day along with dropping off doorhangers for people that didn’t answer. The remainder of time would be attending sheriffs sales, answering phonecalls and writing contracts.

    I am wondering though, how many folks have had success with the door knocking method. I know a lot of the original folks have had great success in the past–what about these days though.

    Getting another job would be like applying for a loan at the bank–you just feel dirty after you do it–like you need a shower. Of course it would be a little bit scary, but finding a new job seems to be a futile attempt in this environment.



    Door knocking still works BUT — you’ve got to be very selective about which neighborhoods you go in to.

    You don’t want to do door knocking on the war zone or anywhere close to it

    About 9-10 years ago, I was knocking on doors of preforeclosures. Remember in Texas it is only 21 days from the NOD to auction here so owners are stressed.

    The owner opened the door and pointed a shot gun at my head and said ” the next person who says they want to buy my house I’m going to blow their ___ brains out”


    I had to think quick

    I said, no sir, I want to help you SAVE YOUR home and avoid foreclosure.

    He was drunk and stressed – as many home owners are these days. So you DO have to be careful.

    You should not go door knocking alone. It’s better to team up and you work one side of the street and
    get someone else to work the other side of the street.

    Be careful not to look like you’re with a church group or no one will open the door.

    Also, have a sticky note or flyer you can leave at the house when no one answers the door.
    Some people will not open the door to strangers no matter what.

    BTW — after that gun incident, I immediately went home and got the domain name http://www.youcanavoidforeclosure.com, created an alternative to working with foreclosures so they CAN stay in their home and wrote a special report I could give out to people in preforeclosure.


    I just got a private email a few minutes ago from a CFD member who did lose his job today.

    Luckily, for the last two years he’s been secretly building up his cash flow so he looks at this as the
    best thing to every happen to him.

    He said others got a pink slip and they don’t know what they will do — they have no other way to make a living.

    Don’t let that happen to you


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