Is a Good Job a Detrement?

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  • Anonymous

    Do you feel that having a “good” job in the beginning of venturing out on your own is detrimental to you having the drive to succeed in your own biz because you’re comfortable? Why / Why not?

    By “good” job I mean stable, corporate, full benefits, $50k+/yr, 40 hours/wk doing stimulating work or at least work you like or tolerate.

    I know the concept to take a job to learn but I see these “good” jobs as almost a crutch because it may make one complacent and unwilling to let go of a “secure” thing.

    I think Sylvester Stallone said he wouldn’t get a job because he knew it would decrease his hunger.

    What do you think?


    Hey Greg

    I’m glad you and Rick got together. He’s sharp as a tack and you’ll be able to learn a lot from him.

    If you just allocate a few hours a week to your real estate business it is better than nothing at all.
    Once your RE biz starts producing more money than your job then you’ll be less attached to the job for security.

    I sure hope you join us in VEGAS for the Take Your Job and Shove it Seminar. IF you lose your job, the information you learn
    at the seminar will be invaluable to you. Learning from people who have been in your shoes recently will help you a lot
    They all had to juggle work and real estate. They had to deal with all the issues of a transition.


    You know my situation and I pretty much fit your description to a T. Although, we are being asked to put in 50 hours a week minimum (unpaid after 40) in the last few months. Since I am a bit of a rebel and I at least have a backup plan in place, I have been doing a few hours over 40 –I complete the work that is given to me, and will stay late if necessary. I am not going to cover someone else because they can’t get their work done as efficiently. I guess you could say I am gambling that if/when more layoffs come, I will be on the list. Since I am the rookie of the group, I will be the likely candidate. My job is okay, but I wouldn’t mind leaving it tomorrow. Or today after lunch.

    This weekend was the perfect example of what I could be doing. I cleaned up a rental that I am turning keys over to the tenant tomorrow. I changed out an wall AC for a long time tenant. I had several people view vacant rental. I called a bunch of owners about selling their home. I looked at two houses. I even squeezed in a dinner with Rick Cogswell on Saturday and wound up talking to him for over 3 hours. These are the type of things I could be doing full time every day for 10 hours a day. As it is, I can answer a few phonecalls here and there during the day, but most things have to wait until night–or the weekend.

    Does my job create apathy? Absolutely. There are times when I just don’t feel like calling people up at the end of the day. It’s difficult because I am mentally drained. I know I am not doing enough reading and review materials from seminars I’ve taken, which I think should be done a few times a year with everything in my library. I know that if I had nothing to do during the day but go door knocking, taking to owners and looking for tenants I would be more successful. Successful enough to live on the income generated by doing such things? Not right away probably, but hopefully eventually. We’ll see what happens in the next few months. I won’t outright quit anytime soon, but if I am let go, there are no more excuses. Only opportunities.

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