Jackie Needs YOUR Help

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  • Anonymous

    Hey everyone,

    I need your help.

    I just submitted a video to a website that’s holding a huge contest.

    Winning this would be so incredible for CREWEalth.com!

    If you could take just two minutes and vote on my video, I would greatly appreciate it.

    Go to: http://www.marketingdoover.com/contestant/1370990

    Once you register as a voter or a contestant, you’ll be able to access my video and submit your vote. (One being the worst and ten being the best.)

    Of course, giving me a 10 would be greatly appreciated. :)

    Thanks for taking the time to do this and for helping CREWealth!

    Again, the link is: http://www.marketingdoover.com/contestant/1370990


    Jackie Lange

    Jackie –
    I voted for you! It took a bit to register on the site but got through that. I noticed that some of the other favorite videos were offering something free that you could get after you voted for them. May you should have directed people to CREWealth and offered them the first month free!


    Thanks Georgette!

    Dear Jackie,

    I have registered & I’m waiting for the email so I can vote for you. (Now you know I’m going to give you a 10):) Best of luck!

    you got my vote:)


    Thank you Pat

    Wow one time that Robert and I feel our votes actually counted! Awesome Jackie!


    There were more than 2100 contestants. I’m amazed and excited that I won.


    This will help us make crewealth.com even better.


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