Land Trusts and cash purchase

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  • I purchased a property with cash and closed in a land trust to prevent a seasoning issue from coming up when I sell it.

    I know when buying sub-to I would make the seller the beneficiary and also have them sign an assignment of beneficial interest to myself.

    However in this cash purchase I made my corporation the beneficiary, so I did not use the assignment.

    Am I at greater risk of being called on seasioning because I did it this way?

    How would you do this?




    Anytime there is a change of title within 3 – 6 months of selling it could bec ome more difficult to find a lender wh will finance because of seasoning.
    Who the beneficiary is won’t matter. How you name the land trust could help – if the previous owner’s name is in the trust.

    If you’re working with a GOOD mortgage broker, they can almost always find a lender who will close the deal, even if you’ve only woned it a month or so.

    So, the key is the mortgage broker.

    Thanks for the clarification.



    One more thing, In the circumstance above I am the creator of the trust. I had the seller deed the property to the trust. Some people make the seller the creator. Does it matter who is the creator of the trust?


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