Landlording question

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  • Happy New Year All!
    , I was wondering if any experienced landlords had suggestions for us.  We have a 2nd story rental condo (purchased before I knew the hassles of condo rentals :) ).  The tenant had a leaky washing machine.  The machine was left there for them by the previous tenants and that is clearly stated in the lease.  It is their washing machine and their responsibility.  Well the leak over time supposedly caused damage to the downstairs unit directly below them.  The owner there says there is supposedly thousands of $ of damage done.  Anyways, we don’t have owner’s insurance just liability insurance.  We told the tenant and the owner below to contact their insurance companies and both companies said they wouldn’t cover this (of course).  
    , Anyway, I was thinking of putting the condo into a land trust (I know its too late and should already be in trust but this was a rookie purchase I made 10 years ago).  I figured if the downstairs unit owner’s insurance company tries to come after us they at least will have a few more hurdles with the property being in a land trust.  And its terrible this happened but doesn’t seem like our responsibility and I want to handle it with care to avoid a suit, etc. By the way this is in Florida and the land trusts provide really good benefits here.  Any suggestions?  Experiences with condo rental repairs and/or insurance companies? 
    , Thank You!

    Did you require your tenants to get renters insurance? If so, that should take care of the problem.

    Is the problem in the plumbing connected to the washer or with the washer itself? If it is the plumbing, then the ball is in your court even if the plumbing and hose are connected to the tenant’s washing machine.

    Where is the water coming from??

    Thank you, good questions.  The water is coming from the washing machine.  Every time they did a wash it would leak directly out of the bottom. 
    , The tenant said they called their insurance company and they said they don’t cover it either. The downstairs owner said the same.  

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