Marketing to sellers for highest bidder sales

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  • Hey jackie,

    When marketing to find sellers willing to offer owner financing then using the highest bidder sale, how are you finding these deals and sellers that are willing to seller finance? Are you advertising that you can sell there homes in 7 days, or are you looking to buy with seller financing yourself and then if its not a keeper for you then you offer to sell it for them with your unique system.

    I was thinking about sending emails out that said I can sell your home in 8 days in this tough market with my unique system. what do you think would be more effective?



    too bad you missed the Best Real Estate Strategies for 2010 seminar because I revealed in GREAT DETAIL exactly how I get those deals and EXACTLY what I say to get the seller to say YES.

    Unless you are a licensed agent, you cannot send out advertising that says ” I can sell your home in 8 days in this tough market with my unique system”

    Do marketing to get motivated sellers to contact you. Some you’ll buy for your own portfilio and some you’ll convert to options so you can do a highest bidder sale.


    Have you looked at “The Depot” for articles and recorded conference calls? Your questions (and much more about HBSs) should be answered there. I recall we’ve at least one cc and one article from Jackie about HBSs in the past 6 mos – 1 year.


    What exactly do you say to the seller to say yes and how do you get those deals?

    Come on Jackie just give a small taste for the ones that could not make it to the Best Real Estate for 2010


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