Marketing to Those In Bankruptcy

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  • I have been doing a postcard marketing campaign to people who just filed bankruptcy. It hasn’t brought a lot of response. Maybe it’s too early in the process. I’ve read we should be hitting them when the bankruptcy is discharged.

    Is that true? And if so how can I find out when the bankruptcy is discharged?


    99% of the people in bankruptcy don’t have any equity. I hope you did a deed date search and only mailed to those with equity.

    Also I’ve read that national statistics show that 85% of the people who file bankruptcy don’t even make the first payments so the bank gets a stay and moves forward with the foreclosure.

    The bankruptcy is used to STALL for time in most cases.

    They are usually so far behind on their payments that there is no deal there unless you want to go through the hassles of working a short sale — but the bank may be so pissed off because of the bankruptcy that they will not do a short sale cheap enough to make it worth your time.

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