Master Lease and Hassle-Free Managment

Posted in Master Lease

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  • We added almost 3 hours of video training about Master Leasing and Hassle-Free Property Management. This training was recorded at the 2016 Panama Retreat. You can find the training at

    Your instructor is Kurt who was able to leave his job in a few short years because the income from his Master Leases exceeded the income from his job. Learn how he did it with this training.

    A Master Lease is when you lease a house from an owner, then sublease to your tenant. Your profit is the difference between what you collect from your tenant and what you pay the owner.

    A Master Lease is a good way to create a lot of cash flow quickly without buying houses, saving for a down payment, or getting a loan.

    You can add an Option to purchase the house later but it is not necessary. Many owners will not want to give you an option.


    What is the main difference between a “Sandwich” lease option and just a “Master Lease”? What you describe above seems to be the same
    thing? I’m sure it not, but would like to know the difference please.

    A sandwich lease and a master lease are exactly the same thing

    A master lease is when you lease a house from an owner then sub-lease it to you tenant.
    Your “profit” is the difference between what you collect from your tenant and what you pay the owner.

    You don’t need to buy houses to make a great profit!

    This article explains it in more details:

    Master Leases With or Without an Option

    Great response. Thank you!!

    Can’t wait to read the article.

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