Master Lease subject to finding a tenant

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  • Jackie in this weeks email you said the following

    Instead of taking the risk of buying the house first them hoping that I could find a tenant, I would just get an option on the house, subject to me finding a satisfactory tenant.

    this ties in to the question i posed on last weeks talk.

    if your intent is not to buy a house and you want to do a master lease/master lease option, but what to cover your risk and not complete the deal until you find an end tenant, how might that conversation go with the seller such that they feel comfortable in your completing the deal


    If you have tenants already lined up … like I suggest … then your conversation could be

    “…I realize that you may be concerned that I’ll find a qualified tenant for the property soon. I’ve actually got tenants lined up NOW who would love to see the house. I could have the perfect sub-tenant ready now”

    Tell them that you realize that neither one of you wants the house to sit vacant for an extended period of time so you want to find your tenant before you close.

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