Mike Cantu Videos

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  • I just posted a new Mike Cantu video in the success section

    And there’s a great Mike Cantu video in the Buying section about creative ways to wholesale a REO

    I saw the 5 ways to wholesale video but what about the other one in success? In success stories the latest is a video is of Peter Fortunato.

    i rearranged the success videos so Mike’s shows up at the top

    Short and sweet video on Mike Cantu. He seems like a very straight forward, common sense type of guy that believes strongly in REI education.
    I like the fact and believe in his philosophy of getting the right mind set and determining what your purpose is in this business. I would like hear and learn more from Mike Cantu. Thanks.

    mike is in southern california. and teaches a class about once a year. I’ll let everyone know when the next class is

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