need advice

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  • Hi Jackie and cashflow gang! I don’t know if this is the right forum for this question or not. It’s more personal and may not be real estate related. We have a close relative who passed away earlier this week and has left us $400+k in the stock market. We know nothing about the stock market and don’t like the lack of control or getting advice from someone who makes $50k or less a year or who makes money even if we don’t. We could really use some advice. We are not very sophisticated in real estate investing yet. we’ve done a couple of rehabs when the market was hot and nothing sense. we are at the “lets do some lonnie deals this quarter” stage. so we’d like to protect the priciple until we get some experence under our belts before we go off and do something where not ready for. I figured the forum would be a good place to post, so I hope I’m not out of line. Thanks for taking the time to read all this. carolyn brooke

    HI Danny

    You can ask anythng in the forum

    If it were me, I’d get the money out of the stock market and put it in the bank to be ready to use for Lonnie Deals.

    With your typical Lonnie Deal, you make at least a 50% return on your investment. I don’t know any stocks which make that kind of return.

    I never liked investing in the stock market because you’re counting on “someone else” making the right decisions for your investment. I prefer to be more in control.

    I know so many people who have lost everything they had invested in the stock market. I’d hate to see that happen to you. You’ve got 1 chance to do the right thing with this money and I’m sure that’s what your close relative would want you to do.

    I think I would put it in the bank as well and probably just sit on it for at least 6 months. Maybe take 25k out and see what you can get going doing Lonnie deals. No need to hurry.

    Jackie and Paul, Thanks so much for your input! I really appreciate it! DB

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