New Way to Get Your Questions Answered

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  • Anonymous

    Every Friday I send out an email with your lastest real estate lesson and CREWealth updates.

    I know sometimes you might have a question that you would rather not post here on the forum. We get those emails every day.

    Starting on Monday, I will send out an email with a reminder for the teleconference call on Tuesday. . . PLUS, we will answer at least 1 question in that Monday email too.

    You can send in your questions to [email protected] – Please Put “Question” in the subject line.

    Either I’ll answer the question or get someone who is more knowledgeable about that topic to answer the question.

    I’ll keep your name PRIVATE so no one will know who asked the question.

    Just one more way you can learn. If you’ve got a question about something, there’s a good chance many other people have that same question.

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