newbie asks: what program to use for producing contracts fast/easily?

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  • Can anyone advise me re: what /how to input the contracts (eg options, master leasing, assignment of contract, etc) to my computer…so I can produce 5 offers/day ….?

    Is there a program to use that would allow me to:
    1) save the contract as a master form
    2) be able to fill in the blanks for each deal?

    Am only moderately tech savvy…so would appreciate any step by step instruction to get set up in this way.

    Thk you

    ps. i use both a mac and a dell pc.


    I just use word to contracts and other agreementss.

    But, it’s not about mass production. Each contract should be CUSTOMIZED for the deal.

    You can’t just start sending unsolicited contracts to people. YOu need to talk to them and determine where they are at, what they need, and come to a general agreement on price and terms before you commit it all to paperwork.

    Very often, after talking to sellers, I’ll send over a letter of intent that will have 2 – 3 ways I can buy their house so they can select the one that fits their needs best. Once they select one way, then I create the contract/agreement.

    I guess if you’re just submitting cash offers on REO properties you could crank them out in mass and hope some stick. But I don’t do that.



    There is a program called IntellipointPro.

    This can produce online Contract. Program creates user-interaction blanks or sometimes suggest “terms”. Then User will have to fill or click the blanks based on your preliminary discussion/negotiation with specific Property Owner. For example, your offer is subject to inspection, financing, due diligent , cash only, etc. The program will automatic generate Contract sheet with clauses you want to include. This program also have other features for keeping/tracking record and contacts for every deal you make for follow up. I some times add clauses/terms recommended by Pete Fortunato (he taught us in Property Acquisition class).

    Jackie suggestion is well taken. Customize it too. So be careful to apply all contract languages from the Program as some of them may not apply to your State or situation. So first few offers (draft) should be reviewed with a local RE lawyer or RE paralegal just to make sure that your legal rights are persevered well.

    Shakil (VA)

    Thk you, Shakil…. sounds very helpful.

    Have also been following Jackie’s suggestion and will now incorporate your solution, also. Thank you so very much!

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