Option Contracts

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  • Would like help finding Option contracts good in NJ that we will sell to build income for further training. And also for sandwidh lease with option to buy. Thank You.


    Hi Martin

    There are a few sample option contracts in the workbook that comes with the Foundations of Wealth online seminar which you can find in THE DEPOT.

    They are general and not state specific though.

    As with all contracts, you should not use something that is just a fill in the blank — you really need to customize it to the specific deal and you can easily do that with just adding a paragraph of two of what the seller agreed to and what you agreed to. It does not need to be some long winded legaleze. Just keep it short and to the point so anyone can understand it.

    Send me an email at [email protected] with more info about what you are looking for or more details about the kinds of deals you plan to do and I may be able to point you in the right direction.



    We are looking to do our first deal after five years. To wholsale properties to our buyers lists. Also for Cash Flow students in NJ. Thank You.
    Aprtciate any and all help.
    Sincerely: Martin

    You can use the contract in the Real Estate Profits on Steroids book. it will do fine for wholesale deals.

    My book is available for FREE to cashflowdepot members — just look in the quick start guide section under the member’s only tab

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