Out of Business

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  • Today, i called the printer I’ve worked with for 15 years – number disconnected. His web site says “out of business.

    Then I called a pest control company I’ve worked with for 12 years. Number disconnected.

    I just called a countertop company — I got voice mail. Hopefully they are still in business.

    sign of the times


    You’ve touched on a topic that is really bothering me.

    The rest of the country seems to be on some kind of politically induced coma. I know for sure things are much worse in our economy than most people realize.

    The unemployment numbers are coming down because people have completely run out of extended, and more extended, unemployment compensation. They are taking jobs that pay 1/3 of what they earned in 2008, which may be the last time they held a “real” job. Does anyone look at payroll taxes to see just how steep a decline we’re experiencing?

    The housing crisis is over? Where are all the millions of homes whose mortgages haven’t been paid in 2-3 years, whose owners are still living in the property, but whose lenders have not pursued foreclosure because it’s better to keep someone in the house than have it vacant? I’ve read that AZ is experiencing bidding wars for properties.

    Inflation? It’s big time everywhere except in interest rates that the Federal Reserve Board has “decided” to keep hopelessly unrealistically low until 2014.

    It’s no wonder your long term suppliers are being driven out of business. The mixed messages about this economy are baffling.

    Sorry, had to vent and get that out of my system.

    countertop guy out of business.

    When I was looking for another pest control company, I called two that came up on a google search. Both out of business.

    At least my HVAC guy is still in business and as busy as ever now that the heat has hit texas again.

    The SPIN you hear about the economy is fake. They are manipulating the numbers to make it look like there is a recovery. Of course, we all know why.

    I know that I get calls and emails every day wanting more info about my Panama tours. People want out and are very very nervous about the next election.

    I can’t wait to see what happens after the reelection. I don’t think we’ve seen anything yet.

    another one bit the dust

    Some people wanted to pick up some cheap signs from my sign guy in Dallas while they are in town for the David Tilney seminar.
    He’s been making my signs for 16 years
    but is apparently out of business.
    His office number is disconnected, email does not work, cell phone is not working, and his web site is down

    It is sad.

    All these people put their whole life in to these businesses and now the businesses
    are history.

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