Paul’s Goal by April 2012

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    Way to take the lead Paul. Yours is the first goal setting I’ve seen. Well done. And go get them!!! Door knocking will be easy after you break the ice on your first couple days.

    THANKS for posting your goals Paul. I hope others will start their own thread too.

    REPLY here to post your weekly results. Because you WROTE IT DOWN you have a much better chance of meeting ( or exceeding) your objectives.

    I have a few suggestions of things to add to your list:

    $Get signs from Jackie and then put at vacant property, Walmart, Brookshires, CVS, Auto Zone, exit Bealls shopping center, etc
    $Get fliers made ( like in Jack’s foundations of wealth workbook) and leave at houses when not home.
    $Talk to title companies, let them know you may be able to help if a deal falls through

    Thanks Hank and Jackie. I did talk to one title company last week. I will hit others in the next couple of weeks.

    If you were going into a totally new area, how would you recommend deciding on which areas of town to focus on and what is the one technique you would apply first to get some potential deals coming in?

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