question for jackie

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  • jackie i have an 18 arce ranch i want to put a double wide mobile home on for a relitive to live in. i figure there are a ton of lender repos to pick from. should i contact parks and ask managers if they have empty ones, or are there websites of major lendors posting repos for sale. i’m in central calif. and becaues of transport costs i’m thinking 100 mile radius to look in.

    thanks robert



    Yes all the mobile home lenders have lists of their REPO’s you can buy
    some have them on the internet, others email you the list

    I don’t have the lists with me here in Tampa on my laptop. will have to wait until next week when I get back to the office.

    you should check too — even if you get a mobile on land you can move the mobile and sell the land


    thanks jackie for your reply. look forward to the information when you can. hope your weekend went well


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