REbuilding CashFlowDepot

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  • Anonymous

    Several months ago our programmer did a security update for cashflowdepot. Either he blotched it or there was a bug in it because it has caused all kinds of problems with the site. We have done our best to minimize any problems for you. It is so messed up that we have been rebuilding the site.

    We’re also setting up a completely new content delivery system which will make it much easier AND FASTER for you to find the information you are looking for ( hopefully). Each subject/topic will be on one page with all the videos, audios, and articles on that one page. The videos and audios will load and stream much faster too. Each video or audio will be clearly defined by what it is ABOUT vs. who the speaker is.

    My objective is to go live with the new site in about a week… maybe two.

    This is a good time for you to submit suggestions for changes to the site. What would you like to see that is not here now? What frustrates you that we may be able to fix or change during the remodel?

    You can send your suggestions to [email protected]

    Jackie, the site has really improved from its first version. The only thing that grinds my beans is having to log in EVERY time even though I check the “remember me” box. Can anything be done about that?

    As long as searching can be done effectively in the new version, everything sounds great.

    that log in every time bothers me too
    especially with the ‘tease’ remember me

    The last two statements are strange. The log in memory feature has been working for me for about the last month or two when some others mentioned it.


    It works for me too Hank

    I think it has to do with the security and/or privacy settings on each person’s computer. If they are set to not remember your user and password on sites you’ve visited then you have to enter them each time

    So, if the “remember me” is not working for you, you should check TOOLS –> OPTIONS –> PRIVACY & SECURITY

    Now that ‘remember me’ actually does, everything is great. I do have to have to log back in frequently since my sessions time out quickly. Can that time be extended?

    Thanks for everything.

    I was wondering about the Tuesday night conference calls. Is there a way to get to the website and a phone number more easily? Thanks for all the great info. Elizabeth

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