REIC Global

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  • Is anyone familiar with this? Someone in our apartment association started asking questions about it and another member claimed it was the greatest thing since sliced bread. I haven’t done a ton of investigation but I am wondering if it is another MLM or pyramid scheme. Anyone have any thoughts on this?


    never heard of them. what are they about?

    A canned real estate program that claims you can own 4 houses free and clear in 10 years. Some guy from Utah.


    You can get all the info you need to know how to own 4 houses free and clear in 10 years right here. Just watch or listen to the “Twelve Step Road to Riches” and the “Foundations of Wealth”

    These gurus gimmicks are always way too expensive. If you used the same money you pay for those courses to pay down a house faster, you can have FIVE houses free and clear in 10 years instead of 4

    Here’s how I got mine free and clear.

    !. I bought with seller financing with great terms to maximize pay down of principal ( you learned how to get them at convention)
    2. Let the tenants pay off the loans
    3. do wholesale deals to make extra chunks of cash for lifestyle and
    4. use extra cash to negotiate discounts to pay off debt faster.
    5. if you need help – post questions here or be on the conference calls
    6. AND always attend the cheapo seminars we have to learn how to do more.

    With this simple system, you can get MORE than 5 houses free and clear in FIVE years, not 10!!!!

    Ok… you can send me the tens of thousands of dollars that reic charges because you got the quick start plan

    I ] had no interest in it. i just was looking out for a member of our group. There are so many frauds and charlatans in the “education” world it’s not funny. I know I found the good stuff here.

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