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  • Panama City Panama.

    I’m at an Emergency Offshore Summit. The main speakers are tax attorney’s discussing all the tax changes in the United States and the need to diversify with “some” offshore entities and bank accounts.

    The info is taking asset protection to a whole new level than we ever learned before. Jack Miller would be eating this stuff up!

    I’ll have more details after the event.

    REALLY Interesting stuff.

    There are some cashflowdepot members here in Panama at the event. So a mini-family reunion.


    Hi Jackie,

    I am fascinated by this. Did you post anything on this site after the event? Where can I find it?


    no did not post more. There were actually 2 good speakers then all sales pitches for offshore investments after that… bad and expensive investments, thins like coconut farms, coffee plantations, logistics companies, cocoa, etc.

    It has been so long since I had attended a seminar that was one sales pitch after another that I had forgotten what it was like

    you learn more about the REALLY good investments by having boots on the ground offshore NOT sitting i a seminar sales pitch

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